This is America

I’ll make this short and sweet. You can research the things that have happened in my country over the past year yourself. After all, it will go down in the history books. The issue begins when we find out how the narrative will be painted about certain events. Why not hear some words from someone — an American — who’s lived it?

We have watched America burn to the ground over the past year while politicians and people who identify with a certain ideology *cough* turned a blind eye or cheered it on. Some of us have been against violence this whole time. I personally got attacked online for condemning the BLM violence. Now suddenly, those same people are “horrified” at yesterday’s happenings. Save me the crocodile tears.

In regards to the BLM “protests”, any leader — especially religious ones — that start race-baiting lose me indefinitely. If they know anything about theology, they would know that souls don’t have a color. And that the matters of this earth don’t concern us truly — for they are only temporary. That is what Christ taught. That is the idea behind the way.

So excuse me if I have zero tolerance for racism being disguised as “anti-racism”. People’s emotions being abused for votes and for power. Our elitist government is using us to fight their battles while we suffer the consequences of their greed. No human being — no matter what color body their soul was born into — should pay any attention to race. That is how we transcend it. Our bodies return to dust.

Now, political violence is wrong. Full stop. I don’t care where it’s coming from. This reversion back into tribalism is what is destroying our society right before our eyes. Blind faith without critical thinking is what creates everything radical and bad — religion, politics, cultures, nations — and it only takes one generation to do irreversible damage. Am I a pacifist? No. Evil is real. It is not something we should sit idly by about.

Believe me, I have my thoughts about the way I think things should be. But there is a way of handling that with grace and efficiency — at least for the time being. Do I think the path that America is headed down is a path toward evil? Yes. The question is: Is the timing right? I pray for the evils of the world to cease. That is our most powerful weapon after all.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

— Edmund Burke

Oh, how humanity fails us. And yet those who ignorantly toss thousands of years of divine knowledge and history to the wayside somehow think that humanity will one day become perfect. Humanity will become God. This idea is the first step in all historical destruction.

The only way for humanity to have peace is for every man to bend a knee to something greater than himself.